Saturday, October 22, 2011

A nice week

It's been a good week: a little local fame doesn't hurt. A surprising number of people saw the story in the San Jose Mercury, and my picture has popped up on the bulletin boards of places where I volunteer–specifically the Stanford Health Library and Learning Ally (until recently known as Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic). Let's hope the buzz  a) translates into book sales and b) survives the actual publication. . .

I've received my big box of Mousenet books and they are seriously cute, making it easy to take them into places like the Computer History Museum and introduce myself (to me it seems like a natural for their gift shop, which is, according to Google maps, a scant eight miles from the Headquarters of the Mouse Nation. And if the evolution of mice as a computer-using species doesn't make history, what does? They'll think about it.)

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